Full Moon Detox

We all have parasites.  Parasites know no boundaries.  They hide all over your body, unseen and undetected.  They can affect you or anyone else, anywhere, and anytime.  We all have fungus and parasites to some degree… but when they start taking over, which is their soul mission, then we have a problem. The estimates from the US CDC indicate that parasitic infections afflict over 60 million Americans.    

If you suffer from any of the following symptoms, parasites are a culprit to consider dealing with:

  • Brain Fog
  • Aches and Pains
  • Fatigue
  • Breakouts
  • Skin Rashes
  • Emotional Instability
  • Anxiety and Depression
  • Nasal and Sinus Congestion, Phlegm
  • Digestive Issues
  • Food and Chemical Sensitivity
  • Insomnia
  • Teeth Grinding.

With or without formal testing, Parasite cleansing can be very helpful.  Fortunately, certain herbs and supplements are tough on parasites and can help you to finally rid yourself of these unwelcome and uninvited health-robbing critters for good with natural remedies.

Tapeworm in intestines

Take a Parasite Questionnaire:

 to discover if parasites are likely a problem for you. 
Contact me for a complementary discovery session. 

Did you know the Full Moon is the best time to do a parasite cleanse?

The Moon is at the heart and soul of human life.  The phases of the moon coincide with the biological rhythms in human, animal and plant life, and its gravitational pull effects the daily tides.

Have you ever noticed that you feel differently at times?  It’s not just you.  Everything in nature has cycles.  The seasons are just one example.  And within those cycles are more cycles, like days, weeks, and months.

These circadian cycles play a huge role in our health because they influence our bodies levels of neurotransmitters.

Melatonin in one of these neurotransmitters influenced by the moon cycle.  It plays an important role in the body, by fighting off critters (the “bad” bacteria, funguses and parasites).   When Melatonin levels are down, the critters take advantage of our system.

Serotonin is another.  It is a “feel good”  neurotransmitter.  But it stimulates parasitic activity.  When you have less serotonin, critters are paralyzed.

During  the Full Moon there is a drop in melatonin levels downregulating the immune system and a spike in serotonin which enables an increase in parasite mobility.

Critters are more active around the full moon so it is the perfect time to provide your body with extra support to maximize detox results and evict those unwanted guests from your body!


CLICK HERE for more info the Full Moon Detox Challenge!

Email me at betsy@inneralchemy8.com for my Patient Direct code to receive a 15% Patient Discount on the Para kit as well as FREE Coaching through the Full Moon Detox. I will guide you through the entire process.